Friday, November 4, 2011

Picnic Time Somerset Picnic Basket, Service for 2

Picnic Time Somerset Picnic Basket, Service for 2 Review

This Picnic Time Somerset Picnic Basket features a double lid design in sturdy willow construction with leather accent straps and handles, and a deluxe picnic service for two inside. The Somerset Basket has a plush green corduroy interior, and a traditional English style, making this picnic basket a great gift-giving idea. Included components in this basket; two porcelain plates, two wine glasses, two sets of stainless steel utensils, two cotton napkins, one cutting board, one cheese knife with wooden handle, one waiter style stainless steel corkscrew, one set stainless steel salt and pepper shakers, one matching insulated corduroy cooler bag, one fully insulated corduroy wine duffle, two food containers with lids, and one matching fleece blanket that can be attched to the outside of the basket using the leather straps. Now, all you need is the food and wine and you are good to go. Read more...

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